Friday, May 8, 2015

Backs Forward

The first impressions - front to front, face to face, eye ball to eye ball,

forward to forward - introduces us to the person who is most assuredly doing the same to us: checking us out. A ‘measuring up’ of the other person to see what they are made of. All walks of life do this. Humans do this to make sure, yes, to judge whether they want to continue the visit or just move on. Animals do it, more likely from afar, yes, to judge again, to determine whether the other animal is well-fed and just passing by or.... First impressions can mean everything, and whether our judgments of these impressions are correct can be life altering.

You go, I go, we all go. We all are one and went and are on the move. We left here to go there and went there to go elsewhere or to come back ‘here’ again. You came here from somewhere like I did. I will go somewhere from here as you will. Most likely you were somewhere else before you were here and picked up this picture-book and started viewing my images. And whether you judge in my favor of my picture book, ‘Backs Forward’ will find it’s way to your home and be the 'coffee table book’ it was intended to be.

Whether we are at work, at play or somewhere that’s nobody’s business, we will have left and had to turn our backs. Still there’s always a trail, our tracks, our fragrance, our legacy, our afterthought, or our after-image that is left behind. After this, after the initial view, after the front to front, face to face, the forward to forward, is what caught my eye. The back. After the brief encounter, the interlude, the chat, or even just a glance, or a minor brush with someone, in any case and any situation, it is when the backs are turned is what caught my eye, what ‘fired off’ my shutter. What one would see after the turn, or giving the other person a second glance, or a second chance, would be the

Backs Forward.

“It is not for whom my photographs are of, 

for they are taken of thee.” -JR Hager